Thursday, March 5, 2009


This weekend I really haven't been able to put down all the things I picked up during my time off. I didn't go to the gym Saturday. My mind really wanted to the my body wasn't willing!(Hee Hee) But... I 'm going to find me a target outfit so I can have something visual to focus on.

well see u later!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Marching Back into action!!

Hello all!

Getting back to exercising after a long layoff has proven to be harder than I thought!

Everything on me is trying to hurt before I can even get through a few minutes. I may have to break it down to a few minutes at a time instead of the full 30 minutes. Oh well at least I'm getting started. My Eating smaller portions have been OK for now. I find I am getting hungry late at night though. ( 3:45 or so)I hold out til the morning and eat breakfast . Something I haven't been able to do because of not being hungry

:) wish me well


Friday, February 27, 2009

Getting Back on the Wagon!!!

Well starting over again!*sigh*
I'm trying to stay positive about it.
OK. My plan, I have been reading Dr. Phil's' book and really got some good ideas about how to get off this emotional dieting roller coaster. I joined a gym(sho did!!) and am planning to workout there twice a week and 3 days at home. I gained a lot of weight during my "Down Time" and got to be 216lbs( I know!, I know!) I went to the gym with a friend and started working out everyday I lost those 16 lbs!!! Now I'm back to where I started from 200lbs. My goal is to lose 20 lbs during my six week body challenge.

Wish me well
:) sassy

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hello Boys! I'm Baaack!!!

Well let me start by saying Im so happy to be back online I 've missed you so.
So much has happened since I last posted and will take me days to explain it all!
For now though, I am happy to be back and look forward to hearing from everone again.

Love Sassy